Senad Hadžifejzović

Proud of the homeland of Senad Hadžifejzović

I love my homeland because I have no other homelands. I love my country because I believe endlessly in young people. To a new generation that is coming, that will come, that we have to influence positively to explain to them why they love their homeland - because there is no other. I love because of that human potential. I first show Herzegovina to my friends from outside. Somehow it's calmer, somehow it's less stressful, somehow it's better preserved, somehow it's more original. And they get a completely different picture of Bosnia when they first see Herzegovina. When I'm not in Bosnia, I miss the atmosphere outside. They are not objects, they are not people. Something that someone calls spirit, someone calls something specific, I call it atmosphere. Somehow I miss that air, I miss the routine of the streets I go to, I also miss my cafe that I go to. So you miss everything that makes your life life. Nothing just survived here. And Bosnia never defended itself by itself, with nothing, with no inaction, people always died for it. And in order for it to survive, you have to believe in it and fight for it and turn that fight into some positivism.