Executive Council

Executive Council

  • The Executive Council shall act on the implementation of the decisions of the Assembly and the President of the Association.
  • The decisions of the Executive Council shall be announced at the next session of the Assembly.
  • The Executive Council shall meet at least four times a year, at a time and place determined by the President of the Executive Council.
  • The President of the Executive Council may convene an extraordinary session of the Executive Council at least five days after written notice.
Executive Council

Composition of the Executive Council

  • The Executive Council has nine members.

  • The President of the Executive Council presides over the sessions of the Executive Council.

  • The Secretary-General shall attend the meetings of the Executive Council without the right to vote.

  • The Executive Council organizes its work in a departmental manner. Each member of the Executive Council shall be chaired by the Policy Committee. The competencies of the relevant committees are regulated by the decision of the President of the Association.

    • Resor 1

    • Resor 2

    • Resor 3

    • Resor 3

    • Resor 4

    • Resor 5

    • Resor 6

    • Resor 7

    • Resor 8

    • Resor 9

Powers and responsibilities of the Executive Council

  • Dealing with current affairs;

  • Coordination of the work of the policy committees,

  • Defining an investment policy;

  • ratification of agreements and contracts between the Association and third parties;

  • Making a decision on the opening and closing of the Association's offices and monitoring their work;

  • Organizing and controlling activities related to public relations;

  • Organizing and controlling fundraising activities on behalf of the Association;

  • Providing and organizing logistics for the work of the Association.