Based on Article 14 of the Law on Associations and Foundations ("Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina", number 45/02), the Assembly of the Association "World Bosniak Congress" at the session held on April 28, 2023. year in Sarajevo, she brought
Association "World Bosniak Congress"
Article 1.
(Foundation of the Association)
Association "World Bosniak Congress" (hereinafter: Association) was established by the Decision on establishment, which was adopted at the session of the Founding Assembly on 14.11.2012. in Sarajevo, in accordance with the Law on Associations and Foundations (hereinafter: the Law).
Article 2.
(Content of the Statute)
In accordance with Article 14 of the Law, this Statute prescribes the following:
name and headquarters of the Association;
goal and activity of the Association;
representation and representation of the Association;
bodies of the Association, their powers, the way in which they are elected and recalled, the duration of the mandate, the quorum and voting rules, the way of making decisions and convening the sessions of these bodies;
form and content of the seal of the Association;
form and content of the Association sign;
acquisition and disposal of property;
way of submitting financial report and work report;
procedure for adoption of the Statute, amendments and additions to the Statute, and other general acts of the Association;
conditions and method of membership, termination of membership, as well as the rights, duties and responsibilities of members of the Association;
conditions and procedure for termination of the Association;
rules for the distribution of the remaining assets in case of termination of the Association;
other issues of importance for the purpose and activity of the Association.
Article 3.
(Character and activity of the Association)
The association is a non-governmental and non-profit organization.
The association operates on the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Article 4.
(Status of the Association)
The association acquires the status of a legal entity with rights, obligations and responsibilities upon registration in the Register with the competent ministry.
Article 5.
(Name of the Association)
The name of the Association is: World Bosniak Congress.
The name of the Association in English is: Association World Bosniak Congress.
The name of the Association is used in all official languages in use in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Article 6.
(Headquarters of the Association)
The seat of the Association is: Terezija bb Street, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Association can change its name and headquarters, which is decided by the Assembly of the Association in accordance with the Law and this Statute.
Article 7.
(Objective of the Association)
The goal of the Association is to advocate for the preservation of unity and affirmation of the Bosniak national identity, protection of the interests of the Bosniak people, and advocacy for continuity in the development of the religious, spiritual, cultural and social heritage of the Bosniak people.
The association will achieve its goal in the following way:
through the promotion and development of contemporary Bosniak identity, through the strengthening of solidarity between Bosniak communities and organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world, that is, efforts to strengthen ties between Bosniak communities and Bosniaks in the diaspora with their homeland Bosnia and Herzegovina;
advocating to ensure the rights, status and interests of Bosniaks and Bosniak communities and organizations in order to protect their rights, status and interests wherever they are contested, violated or threatened and wherever they are a minority;
initiating the development of the social, religious and cultural life of Bosniaks, advocating for the education of Bosniaks and the development of Bosniak traditional values, and advocating for the duration of Bosniaks and the transfer of the overall rich heritage of Bosniaks from one generation to the next;
representation and action on behalf of its members - representatives of Bosniak communities and all Bosniaks who accept the goals of the Association, towards government institutions, international and intergovernmental organizations and bodies, non-governmental organizations, interreligious groups, other religions and civil bodies;
advocating for the preservation of the memory of the genocide and the thousands of Bosniaks killed in the 20th century, and expressing support for the surviving Bosniaks and their families;
promoting the affirmation of Bosniak national identity in order to prevent the spread of anti-Bosniakism in all its forms, and raising public awareness in general about the dangers that are present in any incitement to religious, racial or ethnic intolerance, oppression or persecution;
advocating for the promotion and support of interreligious dialogue;
encouraging and promoting gender equality and advocating for the inclusion of young Bosniaks in the leadership of Bosniak communities and organizations;
exchange of experiences and cooperation with institutions, individuals and non-governmental organizations, in order to achieve the above-mentioned goal, and in the spirit of peace, freedom, equality and justice.
Article 8.
(Founders of the Association)
The founders of the Association are also members of the Assembly who acquire the status of a member of the Association on the day of registration in the Register of Associations.
Article 9.
(Members of the Association)
A member of the Association can be a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a foreign person who has a permanent or temporary residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or a legal entity that voluntarily joins the Association in the manner prescribed by the Statute.
Members of the Association are natural persons who are citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as foreign persons who contribute to the purpose of the Association and accept the Statute, program goals and activities of the Association.
Members can also be legal entities registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad, who voluntarily join the Association in the manner prescribed by the Statute and participate in the work of the Association through their delegated representatives.
The Association maintains a list of its members in accordance with the Law.
Members of the Association pay membership fees based on the decision of the Assembly.
Article 10.
(Type of members)
The Executive Council decides on admission to membership of the Association.
Members of the Association can be:
permanent members;
associate members;
honorary members.
Article 11.
Permanent members of the Association are natural and legal persons from Article 10 of this Statute, who have acquired the status of a member of the Association.
An associate member of the Association can be any natural or legal person who financially or otherwise helps the Association.
An honorary member of the Association can become a physical and legal person who significantly contributes to the promotion of the Association's goals and activities.
To become a member of the Association, an application form is submitted on the prescribed form, and the admitted member is entered in the membership records..
Article 12.
(Termination of membership)
Membership in the Association ends:
at the personal request of the member, in writing;
exclusion of a member in case of actions contrary to the goal and Statute of the Association;
by the death of a member of the Association;
upon the termination of the status of a legal entity of the Association.
Article 13.
(Withdrawal from membership)
Each member of the Association can freely withdraw from membership.
The President of the Association is informed of the Association member's decision to withdraw from membership, after which the withdrawal is recorded.
Article 14.
(Exclusion from membership)
Exclusion from membership of the Association is carried out in the case when a member of the Association seriously violates the provisions of this Statute or other rules of the Association or if he acts contrary to the goals and interests of the Association.
The decision on termination of membership of the Association is made by the President of the Association.
A person who is dissatisfied with the decision made by the President of the Association on exclusion may submit an appeal to the Assembly within 15 days from the date of receipt of the decision.
The Assembly considers the appeal from paragraph 3 of this article at the first subsequent session and makes a final decision at the same session.
Article 15.
(Members' rights)
The rights of members of the Association are:
to elect the bodies of the Association and to be elected to them;
to give proposals, opinions and suggestions;
to monitor the work of the Association and initiate initiatives to resolve issues of interest to the Association;
to be regularly informed about the work and results of the work of the Association;
to use the help of the Association in protecting their rights.
Article 16.
(Duties of members)
Duties of members of the Association are:
to participate in the activities of the Association;
to conscientiously and responsibly carry out entrusted tasks and tasks in connection with the work and activities of the Association;
to propagate the activities of the Association, especially the importance of its program goals;
to regularly perform the assumed obligations towards the Association and implement the decisions, positions and conclusions of the Association's bodies;
to pay the membership fee regularly and on time based on the decision of the Assembly;
to comply with the provisions of this Statute.
Article 17.
(Liability of members)
The forms of responsibility of the members will be defined by the Rulebook on disciplinary responsibility, which is adopted by the President of the Association at the proposal of the Executive Council.
Article 18.
(Bodies of the Association)
The bodies of the Association are:
President of the Association;
Executive Council.
Article 19.
(Assembly )
The Assembly is the governing body of the Association, which consists of all members with equal voting rights.
The mandate of the Assembly lasts four years. The Assembly can shorten the mandate at the proposal of at least 25 delegates, the President of the Association or the Executive Council.
Article 20.
(President of the Assembly)
The Assembly has a President who presides over the sessions of the Assembly and he is elected and dismissed by the Assembly from among its members.
The mandate of the President of the Assembly lasts four years with the possibility of re-election.
Article 21.
(The work of the Assembly)
The Assembly of the Association can be regular or extraordinary.
The Regular Assembly meets as needed, and at least once during the calendar year, and aims to control the work by considering the annual report on the work of the Association.
The President of the Association convenes a regular session of the Assembly in the first year after the previous regular session of the Assembly. The regular session of the Assembly must be convened at least 60 days after a written notice sent to the members of the Assembly.
The President of the Assembly is obliged to convene a regular session of the Assembly in the event that at least 1/3 of the members of the Assembly so request, or when the President of the Association so requests.
Article 22.
The Executive Council, with a two-thirds majority, can convene an extraordinary session of the Assembly, where specific issues will be considered or specific actions will be taken. An extraordinary session of the Assembly is convened exceptionally in case of urgent need and unforeseen difficulties in work, disruption of interpersonal relations in the Association or other circumstances when the work and vital interests of the Association are threatened.
An extraordinary session must be convened at least 30 days after a written notice sent to the members of the Assembly. The topics of the extraordinary session will be limited to those issues that the President of the Association stated in the notice of the extraordinary session addressed to the members of the Assembly.
Article 23.
(Accreditations for sessions)
The Committee for Accreditations and Verifications will examine the accreditations of all members for the regular or extraordinary session of the Assembly, and submit the Report on Accreditation and Verification to the President of the Assembly for the purpose of approving accreditations and verifying members of the Assembly before the scheduled start of the regular or extraordinary session.
In the event that the Executive Council considers that a member is not qualified to participate in the Assembly session, the General Secretary informs the Assembly member.
The Assembly may, by a two-thirds majority of the Assembly members, reject or change such a decision of the Executive Council.
Article 24.
(Rules of Procedure)
The manner of work of the Assembly is determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly, proposed by the President of the Association, and adopted by the Assembly.
Article 25.
(Powers of the President of the Assembly)
The President of the Assembly presides over regular and extraordinary sessions of the Assembly. If the President of the Assembly is not present, the President of the Association presides over the regular or extraordinary session of the Assembly.
The President of the Assembly appoints the recorder at the beginning of the session, who keeps the minutes. The minutes must reflect the essential flow of work and the essence of all decisions and positions of the Assembly session.
The President of the Assembly:
oversees the organization of the Assembly and convenes its sessions;
proposes the agenda of the session;
presides over the sessions of the Assembly;
signs acts adopted at the Assembly;
takes care of the execution of decisions, conclusions and other acts of the Assembly;
represents and represents the Association in legal transactions, within the framework of the authorizations established by this Statute and the Law.
performs other tasks assigned to him by the Assembly in accordance with the Law and this Statute.
Article 26.
(Powers of the Assembly)
The Assembly has the following powers and responsibilities:
adopts the Statute of the Association, amendments and additions, as well as other acts determined by the Statute;
gives consent to the legal actions undertaken in the process of establishing the Association;
elects and dismisses the President of the Assembly;
elects and dismisses the President and vice-presidents of the Association;
elects and dismisses the President and members of the Executive Council;
decides on merger or division into another association and termination of the Association's work;
adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly;
consideration and adoption of the annual business policy program and work plan of the Association, and determination of long-term tasks and action plans;
consideration and adoption of reports on the work of the President of the Association, the President of the Assembly and the Executive Council.
adoption of the final account and financial statements;
decides on issues related to determining the membership fee (amount and method of payment) and waiving the membership fee, with the fact that the authority for these issues can be transferred to the President of the Association;
makes a decision on authorized persons for representation and representation of the Association;
provides an authentic interpretation of this Statute;
acts as a second instance authority in the appeal procedure;
performs other tasks of interest to the Association that are not under the jurisdiction of other bodies of the Association.
Article 27.
The Senate is an expert and advisory body constituted by an act of the Assembly for a period of four years.
The role of the Senate is to determine the strategy, take positions, give proposals and opinions to the bodies of the Association on issues of national importance for the Bosniak people.
The Senate has 33 members who are elected and dismissed by the Assembly from among its members on the proposal of the Election and Appointment Commission.
Senate sessions are held as needed, at least twice a year.
Senate sessions are chaired by the President of the Association.
Article 28.
(President of the Association)
The President of the Association is elected and dismissed by the Assembly in accordance with this Statute.
The President of the Association has three vice-presidents who are appointed and dismissed by the Assembly at the proposal of the President of the Association.
The mandate of the President and Vice President of the Association is four years with the possibility of re-election.
Article 29.
(Responsibility of the President of the Association)
The President of the Association is responsible for his work to the Assembly in accordance with the Law, this Statute and other acts of the Association, and the vice-presidents are responsible for their work to the President of the Association and submit a report on their work to him.
Article 30.
(Powers of the President of the Association)
The President of the Association has the following rights, duties and responsibilities:
preparation of the Assembly session;
prepares and proposes draft amendments to the Statute and other acts adopted by the Assembly;
manages the affairs of the Association, implements policy, conclusions and other decisions made by the Assembly and makes decisions within the framework of the work program and development plans of the Association;
manages the assets of the Association;
represents the Association in relations with leaders of government institutions, international organizations, interreligious and other institutions, as well as leaders of Bosniak and other organizations;
represents and represents the Association in public and legal transactions;
submits annual or periodic reports on its work to the Assembly for adoption;
the principal is in the execution of the financial plan of the Association;
determines plans and tasks and is responsible for the legality of the Association's operations;
passes general acts, with the exception of those that are within the express jurisdiction of the Assembly;
monitors the implementation of the financial plan of the Association;
adopts the Rulebook on disciplinary responsibility of members of the Association in accordance with Article 17 of this Statute at the proposal of the Executive Council;
presides over the sessions of the Senate;
proposes candidates for the position of General Secretary to the Presidency;
proposes the election of the president and members of the Executive Council;
appoints, with the consent of the Executive Council, representatives in external bodies or organizations of which the Association is a member;
appoints chairpersons of commissions and councils;
appoints chairmen and vice-chairmen (with the reputation of acceptable persons) in the committees of the Executive Council;
performs control of the Association's budget and remuneration for managerial, professional, administrative and other members of the Association;
is authorized to make decisions on all issues related to the ongoing activity of the Association, with the exception of issues that fall within the competence of the Assembly;
performs other tasks determined by the general acts of the Association and by the Law placed under his jurisdiction by the Assembly.
Article 31.
(Recall of the President of the Association)
The president of the Association and the vice-presidents can be recalled/dismissed from their duties before the end of the term for which they were elected in the following cases:
at your own request;
if they do not perform tasks and tasks properly;
in other cases provided by the Law and this Statute.
The initiative to dismiss the President of the Association and the Vice President can be given by 1/3 of the members of the Assembly.
Article 32.
The Presidency coordinates the work of the collective bodies of the Association and appoints the General Secretary.
The presidency consists of: the President of the Association and his three vice-presidents, the President of the Assembly, the President of the Executive Council and the General Secretary.
Article 33.
(Executive Council)
The Executive Council works to implement the decisions of the Assembly and the President of the Association.
Decisions of the Executive Council are announced at the next session of the Assembly.
The Executive Council meets at least four times a year, at a time and place determined by the President of the Executive Council.
The President of the Executive Council can call an extraordinary session of the Executive Council at least five days after written notification.
Article 34.
(Composition of the Executive Council)
The Executive Council has nine members.
The Executive Council organizes its work departmentally. Each member of the Executive Council heads a department committee. The responsibilities of the departmental committees are regulated by the decision of the President of the association.
The President of the Executive Council presides over the sessions of the Executive Council.
The General Secretary attends the sessions of the Executive Council without the right to vote.
Article 35.
(Voting in the Executive Council)
Voting at the sessions of the Executive Council is done by a simple majority of votes cast, not counting abstentions.
Article 36.
(Powers of the Executive Council)
The Executive Council has the following powers and responsibilities:
dealing with current affairs;
coordination of the work of departmental committees,
determination of investment policy;
ratifying agreements and contracts between the Association and third parties;
making a decision on opening and closing the Association's offices and monitoring their work;
organization and control of work related to public relations;
organizing and controlling activities related to fundraising on behalf of the Association;
providing and organizing logistics for the work of the Association.
Article 37.
(Office holders/officials)
The office bearers/officials of the Association are: President of the Association, President of the Assembly, vice-presidents, President of the Executive Council and General Secretary.
All office bearers/officials are elected by the Assembly.
Article 38.
(Secretary General)
The General Secretary is elected by the Presidency on the proposal of the President of the Association.
The General Secretary manages all matters related to:
organization of the work of the Association;
submits a report to the President of the Association on the implementation of the established business policy of the Association and actions according to the decisions made by the bodies of the Association;
submits reports to the Executive Council and the Assembly on its activities at each regular meeting;
The President of the Association may instruct the General Secretary to prepare and submit other reports that the President of the Association deems necessary.
Article 39.
(Vice presidents)
Vice-presidents have powers and responsibilities that are given to them, individually or jointly, by the President of the Association or the Assembly.
Article 40.
(Vacancies of office bearers/officials)
In the case of a vacancy in the position of the President of the Association, the function of the President of the Association will be taken over by the President of the Assembly, who will have all the powers and duties of the President of the Association until the next regular session of the Assembly, or an extraordinary session of the Assembly called to fill the vacant position of the President of the Association.
In case of a vacancy in the position of General Secretary, the President of the Association will propose a candidate for appointment.
In the case of a vacancy in the position of another function holder/official of the Association, that vacancy will be filled by the President of the Association until the next regular session of the Assembly or an extraordinary session of the Assembly convened to fill that vacancy.
Article 41.
(Proposal and election of function holders/officials)
The President of the Association convenes the Election and Appointments Committee at least 30 days before the regular session of the Assembly, or at least 15 days before the extraordinary session of the Assembly convened for the election of one or more office bearers/officials;
Candidates for President of the Association, President of the Assembly and vice-presidents cannot be members of the Selection and Appointments Commission.
The Selection and Appointments Committee requests proposals for the positions of President of the Association, President of the Assembly and vice-presidents at least 20 days before the holding of the regular session of the Assembly, or at least 10 days before the holding of the extraordinary session of the Assembly convened for the purpose of electing one or more office bearers/officials.
The General Secretary submits the proposal of the list of the Commission for Selection and Appointment with the names of candidates for office bearers/officials of the Association to the President of the Association, who gives an opinion, at least 20 days before the holding of the regular session of the Assembly, or at least 10 days before the holding of the extraordinary session of the Assembly convened for the purpose of electing one or more officials .
The General Secretary submits the proposal of the list of the Commission for Selection and Appointment with the names of candidates for office bearers/officials of the Association to all voting members of the Association and members of the Executive Council, at least 10 days before the holding of the regular session of the Assembly, or at least 7 days before the holding of the extraordinary session of the Assembly convened for the purpose of elections one or more officials.
Article 42.
(Bodies of the Association)
In order to comprehensively consider and decide on individual issues from the scope of the Association's activities, the Assembly may establish permanent or temporary commissions and other working bodies.
The composition and scope of permanent or temporary commissions and other working bodies is determined by a special Act of the Assembly.
Article 43.
(Procedural rules)
The Assembly works and decides in accordance with the Statute and the Rules of Procedure.
A two-thirds majority of the total number of delegates or representatives with the right to vote shall constitute a quorum at a regular or extraordinary session of the Assembly, that is, a session of the Executive Council.
Voting at the sessions of the Assembly is done by a simple majority of votes cast, not counting abstentions.
In case of exceptional need, all collective bodies can hold their session or sessions via videoconference or teleconference.
The General Secretary will ensure that minutes are kept, in which all decisions taken at regular or extraordinary sessions of the Assembly, or sessions of the Executive Council, should be entered.
Voting at all regular or extraordinary sessions of the Assembly, i.e. sessions of the Executive Council, is done in person, by a show of hands, and not by proxy, unless a recorded roll-call vote is requested.
Voting at the session is public, unless the Assembly determines otherwise at the session itself.
The Assembly and the Executive Council adopt the Rules of Procedure for their work.
When electing and appointing the President and members of collective administrative and executive bodies, as well as members and managers of the Executive Council, and members and managers of other bodies of the Association, care will be taken to engage young people and ensure gender equality, in order to provide incentives for strengthening the next generation of Bosniaks leader.
Article 44.
(Income of the Association)
The income of the Association is:
membership fees;
voluntary contributions and gifts from natural and legal persons, both foreign and domestic in cash, services or property of any kind;
funds allocated from the budget;
income from dividends, capital gains, rents, royalties and similar sources;
passive income;
revenues obtained through member registration fees and realization of the Association's goals and activities;
other incomes acquired in accordance with the Law and the Statute.
Article 45.
(Disposition of income)
The realization, use and disposition of the Association's funds is determined by the financial plan adopted by the Assembly at the proposal of the President of the Association.
the use of funds in accordance with the financial plan is decided by the President of the Association.
Article 46.
(Income control)
Supervision over the use of funds is carried out by the Assembly of the Association.
The Assembly is responsible for controlling all documents related to financial operations, especially periodic, half-yearly and final financial reports.
Documents referred to in paragraph 2 of this article shall be considered by the Assembly at the regular annual session, and if necessary at the extraordinary session of the Assembly, and shall be submitted to the competent authorities in accordance with the Law, other regulations and this Statute.
Article 47.
The work of the Association is public. Publicity of the work is achieved through direct information and through means of public information for more significant activities.
All members of the Association will be provided with unhindered insight into the performance of activities in all areas in which the Association operates, as well as the planning of further activities.
Article 48.
Members of the Association must be regularly informed about the work of the Association. The President of the Association is responsible for the publicity of the work.
Article 49.
At the regular annual session, the Assembly adopts the Financial Report and the Report on the Association's work for the previous year.
The President of the Association is obliged to submit to the Assembly of the Association a financial report and a report on the work of the Association for the previous year.
The association is obliged and obligated to properly keep business books in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and to prepare financial statements in accordance with relevant laws.
The financial report and the report on the work of the Association shall be delivered to the members of the Assembly at least 15 days before its holding.
Article 50.
(Amendments to the Statute)
The Assembly is responsible for adopting, amending and supplementing the Statute and other general acts determined by the Statute.
Amendments and additions to the Statute or repeal of the provisions of the Statute in exceptional circumstances require prior written notification within 30 days to the members of the Association, as well as a two-thirds majority of the total number of delegates at the Assembly session, not counting abstentions.
Any member of the Association can submit an initiative for amendments to the Statute.
The initiative is sent to the President of the Association, who prepares the draft text for amendments to the Statute.
Article 51.
(Other acts)
In addition to the Statute, the association may also have other general acts.
The bodies of the Association pass general acts of the Association: regulations, rules of procedure and decisions that must be in accordance with the Law and this Statute.
Article 52.
(Termination of the Association)
The Association may stop working voluntarily based on the decision of the Assembly of the Association or by force of law.
The association ceases to operate:
if the competent authority of the Association makes a decision on termination of work or a decision on merger, separation or transformation of the Association;
if the conditions from Article 9 paragraph 4 of the Law are met, or if it is established that the Association has ceased to operate.
It will be considered that the Association has ceased to operate:
who has passed twice as much time as the time for holding the Assembly determined by this Statute, and the Assembly has not been held;
that the number of members of the Association is reduced below the number determined by the Law on the establishment of the association, and the President of the Association does not make a decision on the admission of new members within three months from the date of entry into force of this circumstance.
Regardless of the provisions of paragraph 3 point b) of this article, the Association will not cease if the admission of new members is not possible due to objective circumstances caused by the nature of the Association's statutory goals and activities.
The decision on voluntary termination of work is made by the Assembly with a two-thirds majority vote of all members of the Assembly.
At the same time, the Assembly of the Association adopts a liquidation plan of the Association, which determines the distribution of assets, rights and obligations of the Association in accordance with the Law and this Statute, with the fact that it is mandatory to settle legal and contractual obligations beforehand.
The remaining assets of the Association, after the settlement of obligations from paragraph 6 of this article, will be allocated to the Bosnian Academy of Sciences and Arts (BANU), based on the decision of the Assembly.
Article 53.
The association ceases to operate by force of law in accordance with Art. 43, 44 and 45 of the Law.
Article 54.
Associations are represented and represented in legal transactions by the President of the Association and the President of the Assembly of the Association, within the scope of the powers established by this Statute and the Law.
Article 55.
In proceedings in which the Association participates as a party in order to exercise its rights, duties and responsibilities before the competent authorities, the President of the Association can give a written power of attorney to a lawyer for representation or another professional person.
Article 56.
The association has a round seal with a diameter of 30 mm, in which the name in the Bosnian language in Latin script is written in a circle in the upper half: Udruženje Svjetski Bošnjački Kongres and in English the Association World Bosniak Congress, and in the lower part is the headquarters of the Association Sarajevo. In the middle of the seal is the sign of the Association.
The association can have several seals, but each one must be numbered. The President of the Association takes care of the preservation and use of the seal.
Article 57.
(Sign, flag and anthem)
The association has its own sign. The sign of the Association is in the shape of a flower with a green center and eleven white petals.
The Association has a green flag with the Association logo in the middle. The proportion of the flag is 1x1.5.
The association has an anthem. The anthem of the Association will be determined by a special decision of the Assembly.
Article 58.
(Interpretation of the Statute)
The interpretation of the provisions of this Statute is provided by the Assembly of the Association.
Article 59.
(Entry into force)
This Statute enters into force on the day of its adoption, and will be applied from the day of its registration in the Register of Associations with the competent ministry.
Number: 01/23 |
| President of the Assembly |
Sarajevo, 28.04.2023. |
| Dr Tarik Kurbegović |
| _______________________ |