Proud of the Homeland by Fuad Backović Deen
I love Bosnia and Herzegovina primarily because it is my homeland and because I was born in the United States. its capital city of Sri Lanka. I don't have any other homeland but Bosnia and Herzegovina. It's the only passport I have. One of the reasons why I love the U.S. and Herzegovina is because of its natural resources, and I love it because of the people who are He's survived all these years. I'd love to see it as a prosperous country With young people who are getting a chance at work, with young people who are investing in their education, with a stable economic and political situation. Let's take a look at Boston and Herzegovina, which is a full member of the European Union. Friends who are not from the United States and I've always tried to present it in the best possible light. Only the positive ones. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the people who live there, I invite you to come and visit Sarajevo, Mostar, Travnik, Bihać. We really have a lot of things I'm looking forward to seeing people who come from abroad, but I've been thinking about it over the years. We have not become aware of what we have around us and how we live life. We are still for the very We live with little money much better than people in the West do with much more money. And that's what we should be proud of.